
Showing posts from March, 2020

Journal #1

What impact is technology having on your daily life? Is this different than usual? Technology was already a pretty big part of my life, but after having to do all of school online it has become an every bigger part. When I wake up in the morning I immediately go on my phone onto canvas and check into advisory. I spend the rest of my morning checking canvas and then spend the rest of the day doing online activities or on zoom for classes. Outside of school, I also spend a lot of time talking to my friends online. For my friend's birthday, we are all getting on a zoom to celebrate. Technology has always been a big part of my daily life, but now, it has become extremely essential. 

All Your Data is Being Collected and Analyzed and This is Why You Should Care

In the digital world we live in today, our privacy is lacking. Our information is collected through a process called data mining, which can put your information at risk of being hacked. Along with this, it can be sold to other companies and even the government. But people are willing to compromise their privacy partly because they are unaware of the extent of what's being collected, but also because using the services that are collecting and potentially exposing your data, such as FaceBook or Amazon, are convenient and provide useful services. The government has also allowed for this to be done and has taken advantage of these technologies. Everyone should be more concerned and aware of what’s going on behind the scenes with their data because it affects every one of our lives much more than you know. Technology is constantly developing at a rapid rate. Many are unaware that with these advancements, there are undesirable consequences of the invasion of privacy that comes with it...