Race, the Son of Racism

Me and my friends used to play this game when we were little. We would go around and ask each other how they would describe color to a blind person, or someone who’s never seen color before. A seemingly simple task but when attempted, near impossible. Try describing blue. It’s the color of the sky, it’s light, or dark, it’s kinda like green but also purple. I don’t think this description would help a blind person in the slightest. But what even is color? How do you really define it? Well a quick Google search will lead you to dictionary.com where you get the first definition; “ the quality of an object or substance with respect to light reflected by the object, usually determined visually by measurement of hue, saturation, and brightness of the reflected light; saturation or chroma; hue.” Shift your eyes down, and you get a second way to use this word; “the natural appearance of the skin, especially of the face; complexion”. Although similar, these definitions mean different things. ...